Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Citizens Needed!

Are you tired of being stuck in the same old routine, living your life in the constant hustle and bustle of the city? 

Are you a country boy who wants nothing more than to go the city and make your own way? 

Are you tired of working for the man and not getting what you deserve?  

  Well come to a place where you CAN work and play in any way that you wish! Where care for your natural surroundings, individual industry and progress, and a balance of different lifestyles are encouraged and appreciated! No more will there be "country bumpkins" and "city slickers!" Instead, you can enjoy the comfort of having everything you need readily available, and domestically produced!  

This is not a "utopia" where there is equality for all, but there is plenty of equal opportunity! Isn't it time for you to get what you work for!?  

There is class structure but NO class struggle, moving up the ladder is as easy as 1-2-3!  A job well done deserves a reward, and that's what you will get!  

Come to a place where every citizen is honored and respected for their contribution, no matter how small!  Every job is done in order to maintain and progress our thriving society, and we need YOU to help us! 

Be recognized, be happy, be productive, and you WILL get the life you want!

~Some people may not appreciate the difference in class and the lack of equality in wealth.  However, it has to be noted that a difference in class does not mean inequality amongst people, and wealth is hardly a determining factor.  Each individual is equal in rights, liberties, and opportunity.  That does not mean all will have the same income, but that all will have the opportunity to have it.  I am not sure of anyone who attempted a community quite like mine, I know Walt Disney did provide a similar model, however it was never implemented to the point of bringing people to live there as citizens.  The idea of the typical "utopian" society is usually appealing based on its distribution of wealth and equality in that sense, but my community is very capitalistic, not maliciously, everyone will appreciate and respect everyone else because a mutually acknowledged need for all kinds of people and all kinds of work.  However, this may be another "push" factor.  The idea of really having to work and prove yourself in order to get that lifestyle may not be terribly appealing to a lot of people, they would much rather have it handed to them, as a distribution of wealth community would do.  The fact that idleness and lack of ingenuity is not rewarded and will get what it deserves in my community may discourage some people from wanting to join my community.  Yet, I think I would be O.K. with that, because I do not want lazy people in my community.  I want driven individuals who are willing to work and prove themselves as valuable members of society.  Perhaps the things that would keep people from settling in my community are actually beneficial to its development and success, by keeping out those who do not appreciate its ideology.  

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